Parish Life

There are many ways for parishioners to participate actively in parish life and the Mass.

This includes opportunities to participate in liturgical ministries such as reading at Mass or assisting the Priest with the distribution of Holy Communion.

We also have an active and vibrant music program and encourage singers and musicians from our parish to consider joining one of choirs.

Offertory and Gift Procession
Each weekend, members of the worshipping community, on behalf of the worshippers present, take up the offerings of bread and wine. Anyone is able to participate in this important part of the liturgy.

We are blessed to have welcomers at the doors of the church at most masses each weekend.Their role is to welcome Mass goers a newsletter, a hymn sheet and a smile. Volunteers are most welcome.

Money Counters and Collectors
Each weekend Mass, collectors distribute the baskets to gather offerings for the parish. A group of parishioners also meet weekly to count and bank the weekend’s offerings.