Never see a need without doing something about it. St Mary MacKillop


6.00pm Corpus Christi Church, Nundah.

Feb 8

Never see a need without doing something about it. St Mary MacKillop


7.30am Holy Trinity Church, Banyo.

Feb 9

Never see a need without doing something about it. St Mary MacKillop


9.30am Corpus Christi Church, Nundah

Feb 9

Never see a need without doing something about it. St Mary MacKillop


5.00pm Holy Trinity Church, Banyo.

Feb 9

Parish newsletter for Sunday 2 February

This is the light of revelation to the nations,And the glory of your people, Israel.
The Presentation of the Lord

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Parish newsletter for Sunday 26 January

The Lord sent me to bring Good News to the poor and freedom to the prisoners.
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Parish newsletter for Sunday 19 January

God has called us with the gospel To share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Parish newsletter for Sunday 12 January

John said: He who is to come is mightier than I; he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
The Baptism of …
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Parish newsletter for Sunday 5 January

We have seen his star in the East;And have come to adore the Lord.
The Epiphany of the Lord

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Parish newsletter for Sunday 22 December

I am the servant of the Lord:May his will for me be done.
The Fourth Sunday of Advent

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